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To calculate a percentage, follow these steps:

  • To find what percentage X is of Y: Divide X by Y and multiply by 100
  • To calculate X% of Y: Multiply Y by X/100

To calculate percentage increase:

  • Subtract the original value from the new value
  • Divide the difference by the original value
  • Multiply by 100 to get the percentage increase

To calculate a discount percentage:

  • Subtract the sale price from the original price
  • Divide by the original price
  • Multiply by 100 to get the discount percentage

To calculate percentages in Excel:

  • For basic percentage: Enter this formula in a cell {=A1/A2*100}.
  • For percentage change: Use =(A2-A1)/A1*100
  • Format cells as percentage by using the % symbol from the format cells menu
  • Note: Please adjust cell address as per your need.

To calculate reverse percentages (find original amount before percentage change):

  • If you know the final amount after a percentage increase: Final Amount ÷ (1 + Percentage/100)
  • If you know the final amount after a percentage decrease: Final Amount ÷ (1 - Percentage/100)
  • Example: If $110 is 10% more than original: 110 ÷ 1.10 = $100

Percentage difference formula:

  • Find absolute difference: |Number1 - Number2|
  • Calculate average: (Number1 + Number2) ÷ 2
  • Divide difference by average and multiply by 100
  • Formula: (|A-B| / ((A+B)/2)) × 100

Key differences:

  • Percentage: Represents a fraction of 100
  • Percentile: Indicates relative position in a group
  • Example: 90% score vs 90th percentile ranking

Markup percentage calculation:

  • Markup Amount = Selling Price - Cost Price
  • Markup Percentage = (Markup Amount / Cost Price) × 100
  • Example: $150 selling price with $100 cost: (50/100) × 100 = 50% markup

Profit margin formula:

  • Gross Profit = Revenue - Cost
  • Margin Percentage = (Gross Profit / Revenue) × 100
  • Example: $200 revenue with $150 cost: (50/200) × 100 = 25% margin

Common calculation errors:

  • Dividing by zero during percentage calculations
  • Entering non-numeric characters in fields
  • Leaving required fields empty
  • Our calculator automatically validates inputs to prevent errors and answers are calculated runtime